It only took a single visit to the lively DigitalEdu Education Center
for us to know we want to work with them and dive in their world of learning by experiencing. DigitalEdu is about making learning fun
for children with the help of new technologies, investing in early education and developing life skills necessary for the future.

Working closely with the DigitalEdu team we better understood their mission and values and this helped us shape a visual identity which speaks about their passion for knowledge and smart learning.
We aimed for something playful and dynamic which feels like a breath of fresh air in the local private education sector. The identity we created is about discovering each children's strengths, passions and exploring professional aspirations.

create and have fun

We're grateful we worked with a comitted team with a deep care for education and we enjoyed a lot of freedom in creating something different. DigitalEdu already shows significant signs of growth and we're proud to say this is the beginning of a beautiful and hopefully long-lasting friendship.